2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 3e
Familias y Docentes: Garantes del Aprendizaje durante el Confinamiento

Families and Teachers: Guarantees of Learning during Confinement
The closure of schools in Spain has meant an immediate adaptation on how to guarantee learning. Teachers have had to adapt immediately to a digital teaching environment and families have had to deal with their children's virtual tasks with guarantees. This study has two objectives: a) to analyze the variables related to the relationship between the family, the schools and the teachers, as well as their problems in supporting the students; b) to analyze the effect that the teaching model used by the teacher has in the monitoring of virtual education. A quantitative methodology was used with an ex post facto descriptive design by survey, in which 3700 teachers and 5867 families from all over Spain participated. The main difficulties have been found in the lack of support from the administration and in the training of teachers in digital competence. The need to work on the autonomy and self-regulation of students was also highlighted, and there were also significant differences in terms of the teaching model (centred on content versus competence) of the teachers.
Key words
Teaching methods; Families; Education right; Homeschooling; Covid-19.
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Hortigüela-Alcalá, D., érez-Pueyo, A., López-Aguado, M., Manso-Ayuso, J., & Fernández-Rio, J. (2020). Familias y docentes: Garantes del aprendizaje durante el confinamiento [Families and teachers: Guarantees of learning during confinement]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(3e), 253-370.