2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 3e
Impact of Faculty and Student Readiness on Virtual Learning Adoption amid Covid-19
The deadly effect of Covid-19 has changed the world dramatically. The education sector is one of the worst sufferers due to the official closures of educational institutions worldwide. The government of Bangladesh has declared all the on-campus activities shut in March 2020. This paper explains the effect of faculty and student readiness in adopting virtual classes considering the mediating effect of technology adoption intention. Teachers and students from private and public universities in Bangladesh are surveyed for this research. The findings revealed that the private universities are well ahead of providing online education as their faculty and students are ready with logistics and mindset to adopt technology-based virtual learning while the public university stakeholders are yet to initiate it. It is concluded that the lack of readiness of public universities will create a massive gap between public and private university education and rural and urban students as well. The proposed model of this research can help the policymakers and the government in formulating policy guidelines for bringing all the students and teachers on virtual education platforms irrespective of their university affiliations.
Key words
Covid-19; Higher education; Social imbalance; Technology adoption; Virtual learning.
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Rokibul Kabir, M. (2020). Impact of Faculty and Student Readiness on Virtual Learning Adoption amid Covid-19. Revista Internacional de EducaciĆ³n para la Justicia Social, 9(3e), 387-414.