Reflection on the Attention to the Diversity. Case Studies in Chile

Since 1990, the Chilean Ministry of Education has worked to develop an educational system that responds to diversity within a context characterised by hierarchical cultures and traditional practices. Nevertheless, little has been done to promote the conditions of schools and the capacities of teachers in order to respond to the diversity of the students in their classes. The research was carried out in two schools: Gabriela Mistral School , in Santiago, is one of the pioneer schools in integrating disabled students, whilst Nelquihue School is located in one of the most isolated rural areas and responds to a high population of Mapuche ethnic students. The study explored strategies for encouraging those within schools to develop reflective communities that are able to analyse and minimise barriers to presence, learning and participation. It also analysed whether such strategies can support teachers to become reflective practitioners who are able to challenge their understandings and create ways of working that can reach every child, whatever their characteristics or personal circumstances.

Key words

Action research, attention to diversity, inclusive education, professional development, school improvement.

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López, AL. (2008). Fomentando la Reflexión sobre la Atención a la Diversidad. Estudios de Caso en Chile. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 6(2), pp. 172-190. Cited (Date).