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.2012 - Volumen 5, Número 3

Relation between Teaching Practices and Teaching Materials: Analysis of an Experience using IT Resources by Preservice Elementary School Teachers

Anderson Araújo-Oliveira, Yves Lenoir e Véronique Lisée

This article presents the analysis of the practices of preservice elementary school teachers regarding the use of Information and Communication Technologies resources during a teaching/learning activity in a practice teaching context. It reports on the results of a lexicometric analysis of the transcribed verbatims of telephone interviews of seventeen 3rd and 4th year student teachers in four Quebec francophone universities. Despite the fact that the preservice teachers recognize that ICT contribute to teaching as well as to the development of the student’s learning and of their professional teaching competencies, the results suggest only a marginal usage of the ICT resources mostly limited to word processing and the internet and only with small number of school subjects.


.Key words

Teaching practices, ICT, resources, preservice teachers, elementary teaching, teaching materials.

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Araújo-Oliveira, A., Lenoir, Y., & Lisée, V. (2012). Relações entre Práticas Docentes de Futuros Professores do Ensino Primário e Material Escolar: Análise de uma Experiência de Utilização de Recursos de Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC). Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 5(3), 133-145.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num3/art08.pdf


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